Throughout our school, a Christian worldview is developed. Each subject integrates faith and learning with questions that guide students toward a greater understanding of God’s world and their role in it.
While textbooks are primary resources, teachers incorporate additional materials that advance understanding with the subject area. Curriculum materials are selected that meet Georgia standards. Regular assessments help guide the teacher in instruction.
In addition to core curriculum, Heritage students take part in Chapel, PE, STEM, Health, Music, Library, Computer, Art, and educational field trips.

Throughout our school, a Christian worldview is developed. Each subject integrates faith and learning with questions that guide students toward a greater understanding of God’s world and their role in it.
While textbooks are primary resources, teachers incorporate additional materials that advance understanding with the subject area. Curriculum materials are selected that meet Georgia standards. Regular assessments help guide the teacher in instruction.
In addition to core curriculum, Heritage students take part in Chapel, PE, Robotics, STEM, Health, Music, Recorders, Violin, Library, Computer, Art, and educational field trips.