Heritage Academy empowers families with access to an exceptional educational opportunity in the name of Christ.

Heritage Academy empowers families with access to an exceptional educational opportunity in the name of Christ.


Heritage Academy is an independent school offering a quality Christ-centered education to children of diverse economic, racial and ethnic backgrounds, empowering them to become a positive influence for Christ in this community and around the world.


The idea of having a “Portrait of a Graduate” is nothing new. We have learned from wise educators who have crystalized time-tested truths that we hope our students will embody when they leave us. The following hallmarks are those of a truly transformed heart, mind and soul. All the way from our beginning grammar school years through Grade 8, we want our students to build foundational layers that will in the end form the character traits that we expect them to possess and understand as an 8th grade graduate. Those traits include to:

  • Love God - With all their heart, soul, mind, and strength
  • Love People - In the same way that they love themselves
  • Love Learning - Never be finished with learning and make it a lifelong pursuit
    • Hold Rightly Ordered Affections - loving the things that Jesus loves and fleeing from the evil he hates - understanding what Jesus thinks is good, true, and beautiful 
    • Reason Wisely and Speak Eloquently - Argue, write, and speak winsomely so as to have an audience who hears their words
  • Possess the Tools to Learn Anything - Never saying I can’t - It’s too hard - Tackle it with zeal

K-5 Learn students the WHAT -they gain vast amounts of knowledge during these years.

6-8 Learns the HOW TO THINK about the knowledge they possess. 

9-12 Learns HOW TO EXPRESS them well

When a student graduates from Heritage - we hope they possess many if not all of these traits. We can not do this without the partnership of the parents and the local church community. Once they leave their families at 18 or beyond: Become actively engaged in the Church and in Service - remain under the leadership of a church and stay engaged in serving in that church and the greater community

Each of these traits are taught according to the appropriate age level of the students, each year.


Adapted from Heritage Classical Academy - Bainbridge, Ohio

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What People are Saying About Us

"The sweetness and encouragement at HA has been the tangible love of God to us.  Our school gave my oldest child free tutoring that launched her into a love of reading that has been so beneficial.  The teachers have loved and cared for my kids so well.  I cannot speak highly enough of the way our private school has changed us all."

– Leslee Mother of a Heritage Student

“We support Heritage because it provides the foundation for children to pursue anything they want to in life. From the moment they walk in, they are surrounded by the genuine love of the teachers, staff and volunteers and continually learn of God’s unwavering love for them.”

– Bill Cleveland Calvary Wealth

“It has really meant a lot to me for my child to be able to attend Heritage Academy... it's a Christian-based school and that's very important to me... I love the parent involvement which they allow and I'm always willing to help out if ever asked. There are so many more reasons"

– Cookie Mother of a Heritage Student

“Having been located in downtown Augusta for almost 70 years, we are always happy to support our neighbors. Heritage Academy’s Christ-centered mission positively impacts the lives of its students, their families, and our community as a whole. There was a great need for what Heritage does and we are happy to support them.”

– James Stafford President of Stafford Nut & Bolt

“When we moved our son to Heritage we had high hopes for his education and the impact of that environment would have on his maturity and behavior.  We are amazed by the results we've witnessed.“

– Phil Father of a Heritage Student

“Heritage teaches about God, love, family and service. This focus will help the next generation of godly men and women to impact our city, nation and the world.”

– Graham Hill Financial Advisor with Northwestern Mutual